About Us
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About  Lex   Luger   and  TMOG

Beginning of tea parties

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Who is LexLuger?

Lexus Arnel Lewis, professionally known as Lex Luger, is an American record producer. His stage name is inspired by the famous WCW/WWF professional wrestler Lex Luger. He co-founded the American hip hop production team 808 Mafia with Southside. Luger is also a member of the hip hop production duo Low Pros with A-Trak and the VABP (Virginia Boyz Productionz), a hip hop group that he founded in high school. lexluger has worked with some of the biggest names in music, including Kanye West, Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Travis Scott, and Wiz Khalifa. He has produced multiple platinum-selling records.

Advice and Ambitions

"My advice for upcoming producers would be to STAY FOCUSED AND HAVE FUN! There’s so many distractions that come once you start to get a name in this game. It’s easy to lose sight of what you're doing and why you're doing it. Stay humble and read and learn business, and keep good business minded and creative people around you. This following year I want to start signing more musicians, producers, artist, engineers etc. I want to do some brand deals, I want to do commercials for any music related or anything for a good cause. I wanna start doing some joint deals with these music software creators and Snyth & VST makers."


Favorite Song Produced

"My favorite song I’ve produced would have to be “Save Me” by Chief Keef. I remember like it was yesterday, earlier that day I was at my mothers house and she was playing “Katy Perry’s” album and I heard - “Legendary Lovers” and was blown away. The song touched me, everyone has songs that they hear and it just feels like hugging your soul, well I felt that and was like I have to sample this. So I downloaded the song went to the studio alone and started to chop the sample. It was so natural and just flowed, so I called two of my home boys up there to get a vibe and reaction. They were like “this is sick”! Once I chopped the sample I added some drums, made different sequences etc. and it was done in like 15-20 mins. It’s so rewarding to take something that is special to me and recreate it in my own way, the process of doing that is just amazing."

- LexLuger

Produceer vs. Rapper

"I became a producer instead of a rapper because I was always a shy guy. I’d rather be behind the scenes. Being a rapper looks way too intense for me. It looks very stressful, people in your face, business and personal life 24/7, judging everything you do, crazy fans, envious friends, gangs, street violence. Na, I’m cool on that. I’m just fine sitting behind my computer making beats like a geek."

- LexLuger

What is TMOG?

"TMOG stands for Things Made Of Greatness, Things Made Of God, Things Made Of Gangsters, Things Made Of Girls, Things Made of Gentlemen, Green, Genius’s.. basically you add any G word that fits you and who you are n what your represent. I wanted to make something that everyone could relate to and be apart of. I want TMOG to be legendary, something that becomes a household name. Not just a LLC or production company, sure that’s what it is but I want to bring TMOG to apparel, accessories, toys, apps… any and everything that God allows me to dive into."

- LexLuger